Sunday, May 13, 2012

Re do any assignment from my blog

I redo my "drawing in photo". This time I cut a red paper to make the flame.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Photoshoot: Things I love/hate...

I love to drive a car, but I do not wish to see trash on a road. Trash is bad for our environment and it also decreases the beauty of driveways. For the photo of the thing I love is cars, I used lining technique. On the other hand, for the photo of  the thing I hate is trash - an apple, I used shadow technique in order to make the object stand-out.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Artist Statement

I have been taking photography class for eight months. I know It is not enough time for one person to know all of the imformation and the interest of photography, but I really enjoy learning about photography. I like to take photos of my friends, my family, and sometimes myself, so the interest of photography is into me.

I love the photo of "finding lines" that I took. It is about two friends always side-by-side. They are surrounded by the track lines, which implies to a wall. The wall will protect their friendship and tie the two friends together. I already make my future goal as a nurse practitioner, however, I am very sure that my photographic skill will be my next-big-thing of my lifestyles.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Photograph an "aliens" home..

This is an aliens' home on the earth. They live deep down on the ground, so no one could discover them. The two white sphere are their bedroom. There is a brigde connecting the two bedrooms in order for them to walk back and forth each room easily. There is also a playground for their alien children to hang out underneath their bedroom. Aliens like to live in a cool temperture; therefore, they choose to live in the cave. As you can see, there are several waterdrops on the bridge left by the fog in this morning. Only this place can create the moist atmosphere for their home. Loving it!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Macro Photograph

I took macro photographs of the wall outside the school. One is from the bottom of a wall and another is from the top (above the bottom) of the wall. They contrast each others due to the colors, the surfaces, and the materials.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Documentary Photo

One of students in Ms. Childs' French class (A2) was putting a Eiffel Tower puzzle together. It shows that students are not only learning but also having fun in foreign language class.